The Cetacean Brain and Hominid Perceptions of Cetacean Intelligence

This is a fascinating essay by the amazing Captain Paul Watson. I am reposting as it is a thought provoking and well researched piece that challenges our concept of intelligence. Captain Watson was one of Jake’s role models. One year, for a Halloween costume, he went as Captain Watson. He was in the 5th or 6th grade. He interview the Captain on board one of his ships for a school project and Captain Watson gave Jake one of the Sea Shepherd’s nautical charts he used to navigate along the Washington State coastline. It still hangs in our guest house. You can go to sea for more information on this wonderful organization who has done so much to preserve our oceans and the incredible creatures who live in them, for us.

About edcol52

The Infinite Fountain of Love and Loss flows unceasingly into the pool of memory and sorrow. I created this blog in response to the most dreadful tragedy every parent fears, the death of a child, our 24 year old son, Jake. We are now on an unimagined journey along this road of grief and recovery. If you can find some comfort within these pages, than I will have succeeded in some small measure.
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1 Response to The Cetacean Brain and Hominid Perceptions of Cetacean Intelligence

  1. hyacinthe00 says:

    Ed, thanks for this amazing article — and for the memory of Jake’s Halloween costume, which I believe that he wore with a trick-or-treat group including Bridget, herself probably dressed as a Pokemon animal or some kind of shady character. Check out recent studies on the intelligence of octopi.

    XO A & A

    Sent from my iPhone


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